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Ali Enayat's user avatar
Ali Enayat's user avatar
Ali Enayat
  • Member for 13 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
10 votes

Can a countable union of two-element sets be uncountable?

9 votes

Reference for precise form of Mostowski: “sets correspond to rooted, well-founded, extensional graphs”?

9 votes

Can two set theories extending Z be different and yet bi-interpretable?

9 votes

History of forcing over admissible sets

9 votes

What is the proof-theoretic ordinal of bare $\mathsf{NFU}$?

9 votes

Set theory determined by $V_\alpha$ for limit ordinals $\alpha>\omega$

9 votes

Connectedness of the complement of small subsets (extended question)

9 votes

Boolean Valued Models of PA

9 votes

How long can it take to generate a $\sigma$-algebra?

8 votes

Does ZFC prove the universe is linearly orderable?

8 votes

Vaught's conjecture for partial orders

8 votes

How do you prove that Q+Con(PA) can't be interpreted in ACA_0?

8 votes

When was Bounded Zermelo set theory first formulated?

8 votes

End Extension models of $I\Delta_0$

8 votes

Height of ordered set

8 votes

Generalising Vitali Sets to uncountable dense subgroup selectors...

8 votes

Ordinal set $\Omega$ : von Neumann definition and modern definition

8 votes

Algebraic structures of greater cardinality than the continuum?

8 votes

Was Cantor aware of Lebesgue theory of integration?

8 votes

Is there a theory in a finite language that is computably axiomatizable but not by a finite number of axiom schemas?

8 votes

Does foundation/regularity have any categorical/structural consequences, in ZF?

8 votes

Is this theory synonymous with PA?

8 votes

How often are forcing extensions of countable computably saturated models of $\mathsf{ZFC}$ computably saturated?

8 votes

Forcing a unique $\Delta_3^1$ generic real

7 votes

Dedekind-Peano axioms, but numbers have at most one successor

7 votes

Existence of a particular function that maps an arbitrary set of ordinals to a single ordinal

7 votes

Measure of the numbers with length of $n$ for a nonstandard number $n$

7 votes

Are there ill-founded "maximally wide" models of $\mathsf{ZFC}$?

7 votes

Higher-order preservation theorems?

7 votes

ordered fields with the bounded value property