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Dr. Pi
  • Member for 14 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
12 votes

On the natural density of almost perfect numbers

9 votes

Sum of two consecutive squares equals difference of two consecutive cubes

7 votes

Siegel-Walfisz for the Möbius function

5 votes

Let $f(n)$ be a quadratic polynomial .Then is the density of integers such that $|\omega(f(n+k))-\omega(f(n))|\le C$ for some constant $C$ zero?

5 votes

Explicit bounds on number of squarefree numbers coprime to a certain number

4 votes

Best known bounds for $\left|\sum_{n<x}\mu(nk)\right|$ (Reference request)

4 votes

Best known bounds for $\left|\sum_{n<x}\mu(nk)\right|$ (Reference request)

4 votes

Estimating a sum of the shape $\sum_{n \leq x} a(n) b(n)$

4 votes

Squareful values of polynomials

4 votes

Tail of singular series of Goldbach problem

4 votes

Divisor sums over values of binary forms of primes

4 votes

Sieve bound for the sum of two squares

3 votes

A question on the prime divisors of p-1

3 votes

Averaging the Jacobi symbol over an ellipse

2 votes

Asymptotics for a peculiar kind of squarefree numbers

2 votes

density of primes such that both $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ have roots

2 votes

Average value of the prime omega function $\Omega$ on predecessors of prime powers

1 vote

Estimating $\sum_{n\leq x: n \in A} d(n)^a$ from below for large sets $A\subset \{1,2,\ldots,x\}.$

1 vote

What is the Euler product for double summations?

1 vote

A truncated divisor function sum