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Tom Dickens's user avatar
Tom Dickens
  • Member for 14 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Houston
9 votes

Why does bosonic string theory require 26 spacetime dimensions?

7 votes

Favourite scholarly books?

5 votes

How to do integrals involving two Bessel functions and another function?

5 votes

Applications of microlocal analysis?

4 votes

Best Numerical Method for Evaluating a Hilbert transform

4 votes

How to do DFT for irregular sampling period ?

3 votes

An integral that somehow equals pi^2/6 and involves dilogarithms?

3 votes

Contour Integral with Gamma functions and 2F1

3 votes

Integral with confluent hypergeometric function

3 votes

Definite integral with modified Bessel functions, trigonometric function and a power

3 votes

Is there a closed form expression/series expansion for $\int_{\epsilon-i\infty}^{\epsilon+i\infty} e^{az+b^2z^2}\Gamma(z)\Gamma(1-z)dz$ ?

1 vote

For what values of the parameter does this function have an elementary anti-derivative?

1 vote

Numerical multivariate definite integration

1 vote

Trigonometric identity needed for sums involving secants

1 vote

Do the roots of R(x) have any significance for the prime counting function?

1 vote

Integral Fredholm equation of the second type