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Noah Schweber's user avatar
Noah Schweber
  • Member for 14 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
13 votes

Continuum-many independent vectors over Q in R as a Q-vector space

12 votes

What is the Turing degree associated with an ultrafilter $U$?

12 votes

Does PA+Con(PA) entail the existence of non-standard models of PA?

12 votes

In $L$, does there exist a definable non-principal ultrafilter on $\mathbb{N}$

12 votes

A Model where Dedekind Reals and Cauchy Reals are Different

12 votes

Examples of concrete games to apply Borel determinacy to

12 votes

Is the existence of substructures satisfying a theory absolute?

12 votes

Smallest ordinal $\mu$ not embeddable in ${\cal P}(\omega)$

12 votes

Does this prove Collatz is a $\Sigma_1$ problem?

11 votes

Initiation to constructive mathematics

11 votes

Gentzen's result on PA

11 votes

Ideals generated by Turing independent sets

11 votes

What notable theorems cannot be automatically proven without choice using Shoenfield absoluteness?

11 votes

Computability complexity of the first-order theory of arithmetic?

11 votes

Enumeration Hierarchies

11 votes

Does ZF+AD have any unusual arithmetic consequences?

10 votes

Does Zorn's Lemma imply a physical prediction?

10 votes

Can only the constructible sets be proven to exist in $ZF$ without benefit of extra assumptions?

10 votes

Paul Cohen on genesis of method of forcing and mathematical similarities

10 votes

Is there a continuous surjection $\omega^\omega\to \mathbb{R}$?

10 votes

Formalizations of The Matchstick Diagram Representation of Ordinals

10 votes

Does there exist inconsistent axiom schemata which require arbitrary long proofs of their inconsistency?

10 votes

Can Cantor's theorem be proved in Parameter Free Zermelo?

10 votes

Application of Fraïssé construction in set theory

10 votes

The status of 'the consistency of NF relative to ZF'

10 votes

Is there a consistent, unsound, $\omega$-inconsistent, effective theory that doesn't prove its own inconsistency?

10 votes

What is $\omega_1^{CK}(\mathsf{Ord})$?

10 votes

What is an axiomatization of the equality-free theory of antisymmetric relations?

10 votes

What are some nice uses of ultraproducts/ultrapowers?

10 votes

Good source for admissible set theory?

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