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John Klein's user avatar
John Klein's user avatar
John Klein
  • Member for 13 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Metro Detroit. Brooklyn expatriate.
0 votes

First usage of the terms pseudo-isotopy and concordance in manifold theory

3 votes

Explaining some detail in Wall's paper of CW-complexes

3 votes

Homotopy between sections

6 votes

Is $\Sigma^\infty_+ O(n)^\vee$, the Spanier-Whitehead dual of the orthogonal group, an $A_\infty$-ring spectrum?

2 votes

Multiplicativity of the Euler characteristic for fibrations

7 votes

Multiplicativity of the Euler characteristic for fibrations

12 votes

Uses of Volodin's construction of algebraic K-theory

8 votes

How can I construct a closed manifold from a finite CW complex?

2 votes

Retractions, homology and multiplication

9 votes

Atiyah duality without reference to an embedding

7 votes

Atiyah duality without reference to an embedding

10 votes

Whitehead product and a homotopy group of a wedge sum

1 vote

$G$-equivariant intersection theory using differential topology?

7 votes

Why does this construction give a (homotopy-invariant) suspension (resp. homotopy cofiber) in an arbitrary pointed model category?

3 votes

A generalization of integral Poincaré duality

1 vote

Spherical objects and K-theory

3 votes

Is it true, the space of embeddings segments is homotopy equivalent to the subspace of all line segments?

10 votes

When is a homotopy pushout contractible?

5 votes

pullback and fiber sequence

2 votes

K-theory of free $G$-sets and the classifying space, and generalization

3 votes

CW complexes obtained by attaching cells not with increasing dimension

4 votes

moving from sphere spectrum to finite spectrum

1 vote

Existence of homotopy limits and colimits in model categories

10 votes

Contraction of a family of loops simultaneously

10 votes

Why is $\mathbb{S}^1$ a cogroup object in $\mathbf{Top.}$?

14 votes

Unstable manifolds of a Morse function give a CW complex

5 votes

Does anyone know a basepoint-free construction of universal covers?

3 votes

Line bundles trivial outside of codimension 3

17 votes

Immersions of surfaces in $\mathbb{R}^3$

3 votes

Wall self-intersection invariant for odd-dimensional manifolds?

2 3 4 5 6