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well, local hamiltonian is complete for QMA, but it is a promise problem. Also, 5-QSAT is complete. As Watrous puts it, "vacuous promise" which means "decision problem". So, it is not expected that a complete decision problem exists for any semantic class.
In Arora and Barak, theorem 7.10 page 132 it says Let $L\subseteq\{0,1\}^*$ be a language and suppose there exists a polynomial-time PTM M s.t. for every $x\in \{0,1\}^*$, $Pr[M(x)=L(x)]\geq 1/2+n^{-c}$. Then for every constant $d>0$ there exists a polynomial-time PTM M' such that for every $x\in\{0,1\}^*$, $Pr[M'(x)=L(x)]\geq 1-2^{-n^d}$. Is my interpretation correct? Of course it's not saying anything about the running time.