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I keep getting {{k,Ceiling[Length[newLists$109483]/2],Length[newLists$109483]};\ newLists$109483=SortBy[newLists$109483,Fitness];gg=ListPlot[newLists$\ 109483[[1]],Axes->False,PlotStyle->PointSize[0.02`]]} does not have \ appropriate bounds. >> as an error.
@GerhardPaseman I had meant to find the minimum value for each value of $n$ not to find the value of $n$ which achieves the minimum. By the way, it is pretty easy to prove that equilateral triangle is optimal for $n = 3$.
Considering that this would essentially provide a geometric interpretation of the Basel problem, the following proof perhaps could be transformed into what you are looking for: I am not really sure though.