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Dick Palais's user avatar
Dick Palais's user avatar
Dick Palais
  • Member for 14 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 9 years ago
115 votes

About a letter by Richard Palais of 1965.

83 votes

What if Current Foundations of Mathematics are Inconsistent?

75 votes

What are some examples of colorful language in serious mathematics papers?

72 votes

Theorems that are 'obvious' but hard to prove

68 votes

Is "Cartan's magic formula" due to Élie or Henri?

56 votes

What is the situation with Hilbert's Fifth Problem?

48 votes

Extremely messy proofs

47 votes

Is rigour just a ritual that most mathematicians wish to get rid of if they could?

45 votes

Is there a natural random process that is rigorously known to produce Zipf's law?

44 votes

Motivating the de Rham theorem

43 votes

Is Fourier analysis a special case of representation theory or an analogue?

42 votes

Square root of a positive $C^\infty$ function.

41 votes

What is an integrable system?

34 votes

Do these properties characterize differentiation?

32 votes

Teaching proofs in the era of Google

27 votes

$C^1$ isometric embedding of flat torus into $\mathbb{R}^3$

27 votes

Leibnizian calculus textbook

26 votes

Which principlal bundles are locally trivial?

26 votes

existence of Morse functions satisfying the Palais-Smale condition

24 votes

What does the word "symplectic" mean?

24 votes

What would you want to see at the Museum of Mathematics?

23 votes

Notes for Bott's 1963 lectures on Morse theory

23 votes

Monotone functions are differentiable a.e. and Hilbert's Fifth Problem: what's the connection?

21 votes

Atiyah-Singer index theorem

20 votes

Riemannian metric induced by a metric

20 votes

Are there examples of non-orientable manifolds in nature?

20 votes

Suggestions for good notation

20 votes

Why is the Laplacian ubiquitous?

19 votes

Differential forms, PDE's and Élie Cartan

18 votes

Total energy of the universe

2 3 4 5