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falagar's user avatar
falagar's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
24 votes

Guess a number with at most one wrong answer

9 votes

Does there exist a pure recurrence formula with polynomial coefficients for Fibonacci(2^n)?

8 votes

Cesaro convergence implies weak convergence of a subsequence

7 votes

unique integer partitions

7 votes

Consecutive integers with many prime factors

5 votes

Number of subset sums

4 votes

Marey's problem: Generating all prime numbers in $[n_1,n_2]$

3 votes

Is there a two-party multiplicative and additive secret sharing scheme ?

3 votes

Arithmetic fixed point theorem

1 vote

Algorithm for determining if a path exists in a graph or if not, the closest edit distance.

1 vote

Interesting applications of max-flow and linear programming

1 vote

Finding all cycles of a certain length in a graph

0 votes

dynamic programming and combinatorics