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Andreas Blass's user avatar
Andreas Blass's user avatar
Andreas Blass
  • Member for 13 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
12 votes

Given a cardinal k, what's the biggest dense linear order with a dense subset of size k?

18 votes

Proper classes and their consequences

33 votes

Is P=NP relevant to finding proofs of everyday mathematical propositions?

2 votes

Are these systems of linear equations always solvable

3 votes


5 votes

"Let $x \in A$", beginning a proof of "$\forall x \in A$ ...", if A were empty

3 votes

Which properties of ultrafilters on countable sets hold for filters in general?

24 votes

How to introduce notions of flat, projective and free modules?

15 votes

Explicit Hamel basis of real numbers

8 votes

Do filters complementive to a given filter form a complete lattice?

2 votes

Condition for Uniqueness of Measures

12 votes

If $K$ and $L$ are compact convex sets with smooth boundary, does their union have piecewise-smooth boundary?

15 votes

What is the idea behind stationary sets?

10 votes

Compactness Theorem for First Order Logic

8 votes

Choice Function on the Powerset of the Reals

17 votes

Aut(G) = $C_3$, G = ?

13 votes

Pseudonyms of famous mathematicians

27 votes

Are there more connected or disconnected graphs on $n$ vertices?

39 votes

Arguments against large cardinals

7 votes

An ultrafilter and a partition

41 votes

Is there a measure zero set which isn't meagre?

2 votes

Existence of enough projectives in the category of sets

2 votes

A Theory of 3-connected graphs

5 votes

Do functions defined on global elements give rise to arrows in a well-pointed topos?

35 votes

Does constructing non-measurable sets require the axiom of choice?

4 votes

non-isomorphic objects with no known nontrivial distinguishing invariants

3 votes

Nonmetrizable uniformities with metrizable topologies

3 votes

Statistics for Second order properties of Random graphs

7 votes

Commutative algebras and Gamma-modules

7 votes

Theorems true but wrong.