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Boyarsky's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 3 months
64 votes

Counterexamples in algebra?

19 votes

separated schemes

14 votes

Is it true that if the pushforward of a coherent sheaf is locally free, then the original sheaf is locally free?

13 votes

coherent analytic cohomology vanishes for q > 2dim

13 votes

Compact simple simply connected algebraic groups over $Q_p$ or other local non-archimedean fields

13 votes

Dimension of central simple algebra over a global field "built using class field theory".

11 votes

Are there applications of category theory to countable sets?

11 votes

étale fundamental group of projective space

10 votes

Is it possile for all real algebraic numbers to have continued fractions with bounded partial quotients ?

9 votes

Why do generic polynomials work in reality?

8 votes

How should the Math Subject Classification (MSC) be revised or improved?

7 votes

What is the family derived from the absolute Frobenius on the Hilbert scheme?

6 votes

Does the free resolution of the cokernel of a generic matrix remain exact on a Zariski open set?

6 votes

Elliptic curves over proper variety over $\mathbf{F}_q$ isotrivial

5 votes

A question about iterated quotients in riemannian geometry

4 votes

What is Grothendieck associated points(Prime cycles) of coherent sheaves on noetherian scheme?

3 votes

The fiber of the sheaf of invariants

3 votes

Functoriality of base change