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Chris McDaniel's user avatar
Chris McDaniel
  • Member for 9 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

Projective dimension and subrings

0 votes

Ideal quotient and regular sequences

6 votes

"Upside-down unimodal" sequences in combinatorics

3 votes

Is the sum of a radical ideal and the ideal of a generic linear space intersecting that ideal radical?

1 vote

Cohen-Macaulay quotient ring and symbolic power

2 votes

Have any long-suspected irrational numbers turned out to be rational?

1 vote

Angle between a point in a convex polytope and the nearest point of a face

1 vote

Annihilators of sum of two ideals

4 votes

A connection between equivariant and non-equivariant cohomology of toric variety

6 votes

Do power sums determine the variables?

3 votes

On the map $\Phi_M: M\otimes_RM^*\xrightarrow{x\otimes y\mapsto \left\{f\mapsto f(x)y\right\}}\text{Hom}_R(M^*,M^*) $

-1 votes

Why linear algebra is fun!(or ?)

1 vote

Basis of coinvariant algebra on which reflection group acts as regular representation

1 vote

Question about proof of positive roots under reflection

1 vote

Easy proof that reflections generate $N(T)/T$ for connected compact group?

4 votes

What is the essence of the constant factor in the standard definitions of the discriminant?

2 votes

A search for theorems which appear to have very few, if any hypotheses

2 votes

Invariant polynomials under the action of $H\le\operatorname{GL}_n(\mathbb{F}_p)$

0 votes

Orientation form on the blow up of a Kaehler manifold

6 votes

Invertibility of a matrix whose entries are certain binomial coefficients

13 votes

Hard Lefschetz Theorem for the Flag Manifolds