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Greg Friedman's user avatar
Greg Friedman
  • Member for 13 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
9 votes

Integral homology classes that can be represented by immersed submanifolds but not embedded submanifolds

4 votes

Subdivision of geometric simplicial complex

1 vote

Does the cohomology Bockstein homomorphism map to the homology Bockstein homomorphism under Poincarè duality?

3 votes

Linking form for homology with general coefficients

4 votes

Cohomology of the coned off space

3 votes

A question on relation of different triangulations of a triangulable space

3 votes

Annulus theorem for pseudomanifolds

2 votes

Relation between cohomological dimensions of manifolds

6 votes

If $H_i(U_j)=0$ for infinitely many $j$ then $H_i(X)=0$

7 votes

Computing Massey products via intersection theory

3 votes

Upgrading various algebro-geometric cohomology theories to be equivariant

3 votes

Embedded submanifold in a cylinder

5 votes

Books in advanced differential topology

1 vote

Heredity of stratified pseudomanifolds

15 votes

Any shortcuts to understanding the properties of the Riemannian manifolds which are used in the books on algebraic topology

6 votes

How to deal with an advisor that offers you nearly no advising at all?

29 votes

Short exact sequences every mathematician should know

4 votes

Homology of topological manifolds

6 votes

A recommendation for a book on perverse sheaves

3 votes

Alexander duality and homology equivalence

16 votes

So what exactly are perverse sheaves anyway?

2 votes

How to compute the cohomology of a local system?

4 votes

Background needed to understand modern research on knot homology theories

2 votes

Difference between local cohomology and cohomology with support in a family

1 vote

What is the hypercohomology of the push-forward of the intersection chain complex of an open cone to its closure?

5 votes

Confusion about a proof from Goresky and MacPherson's "Intersection Homology II"

2 votes

Internal product on intersection (co)homology

2 votes

Relative de rham cohomology with compact support

1 vote

Confusion about locally cone-like spaces

5 votes

Is singular barycentric subdivision injective?