In a monoidal category with duals is the coevaluation map determined by the evaluation?
@Yilmaz It follows from "level exchange," where you can pull morphisms past each other by composing with the identity, similar to your other question.
The evaluation and coevaluation maps for an object isomorphic to a dualisable object
minor correction to formula
The evaluation and coevaluation maps for an object isomorphic to a dualisable object
@Yilmaz You might need to scroll to see the whole line. I did forget the middle id, thanks! Fixed now.
Suggestions and feature requests for the design of a font for math articles/books
The Russian sample looks very nice and is much more legible than the usual, which I guess is Computer Modern or some variant.
Tensor functor between rigid tensor categories preserves $\text{Hom}$-objects
@Hajime_Saito Look up "rigid monoidal category." Bugs is giving a shorthand for an evaluation map α, a coevaluation map β, and dual objects X and Y. Monoidal functors preserve duality.
How much of the axiom of choice do you need in mathematics?
@GerryMyerson It's a repetitive redundancy.
Why is category theory the preferred language of advanced algebraic geometry?
This really is not an "opinion-based" question, although it might be borderline "research-level." But isn't the standard here supposed to be analogous to a colleague wandering into your office to ask something? I'll bet a lot of colleagues have had similar questions about why algebraic geometry is so heavy on category theory.
Parabolic induction, and tensoring (Iwahori/affine) Hecke algebras
minor language corrections
What is the history of the term "faithful functor"?
"Faithful" also has a related meaning like "accurate" or "without distortion," as in "faithful translation," which I think is similar to точный.
Example of a group algebra with commutative Jacobson radical
Well, I thought it was useful and upvoted the question and the answer.
How does one write the "gothic" letters ($\mathfrak{g}$) in handwriting?
This absolutely is the correct answer and maybe some OG German mathematicians would weigh in here. As for the complaints that it's obsolete, well, Fraktur is "obsolete" as a printed font also. Sütterlinschrift is the corresponding handwritten version. It's not that hard to remember (or distinguish) the half-dozen or so letters that are acutally used in Lie theory.
Mathematically interesting screensavers
The circles of Apollonius one is nice. Much better than the usual "math art."
What is an important mathematical question?
@Brodda Probably the same timezone where it's AD 2013
Online encyclopedia of categories?
@PaulTaylor What's an intellectually structured subject?
What's with the speaker's initial thing?
Referring to yourself in the third person puts you in a lot of bad company.
What to do after a pure math academic path?
The problem is that coming up with a mathematical proof is not at all like software engineering, and writing the proof is not nearly so enjoyable for a lot of people. It's kind of like suggesting that an aspiring poet become a copyeditor instead.