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Count Dracula's user avatar
Count Dracula's user avatar
Count Dracula
  • Member for 9 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
5 votes

Why is $K_{\upsilon}|K$ separable for a global field $K$?

6 votes

Schematic locus of algebraic spaces in fibers

2 votes

Brauer group of a product of curves

3 votes

Why is the number of irreducible components upper semicontinuous in nice situations?

8 votes

Assuming $\operatorname{depth}M\ge \operatorname{depth}N$, what can one say about $\operatorname{depth}M_p$ and $\operatorname{depth}N_p$?

1 vote

Normalization of a Noetherian local domain and line bundles on the punctured spectrum

2 votes

Smoothness of a subalgebra of a smooth algebra

3 votes

Is the residual gerbe really independent of the choice of a representative?

32 votes

Tangent space of Hilbert scheme

4 votes

Ramification divisor on curves in weighted projective space

2 votes

rationality of residues of differentials

2 votes

Deformations of Ext rings

1 vote

A question about "large" indecomposable injectives over commutative rings

2 votes

In what conditions every ideal is an extension ideal? Is every prime ideal extension of prime ideal?

7 votes

Excellent rings

2 votes

Grothendieck-Verdier duality for affine morphisms

2 votes

Can height one maximal ideals in the normalization contract to non-height one primes in the base?

2 votes

Chow groups of locally trivial affine fibrations

3 votes

étale cohomology via Cech cocycles for a quasi-projective scheme

5 votes

Does the ring of invariants inherit normality?

2 votes

Does a semistable curve descend to a regular base?

5 votes

Is the regularity of finitely generated rings decidable?