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Martin Peters's user avatar
Martin Peters
  • Member for 10 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
17 votes

Math books for advanced high school students

15 votes

Springer GTM Reprints in China?

10 votes

Text for an introductory Real Analysis course.

9 votes

Suggestions for special lectures at next ICM

8 votes

Mathematical journals that accept long papers (up to 100 pages)

8 votes

Which journals publish experimental results in pure maths?

7 votes

Mathematicians with both “very abstract” and “very applied” achievements

7 votes

Books for (Complex) Algebraic Curves

7 votes

Autobiographies of mathematicians

6 votes

Interactive model of the hyperbolic plane for a general public lecture

6 votes

Reference request: Dynamical systems

5 votes

Books on advanced galois theory

4 votes

Good book on Riemann surfaces and Galois theory?

4 votes

Learning roadmap for harmonic analysis

4 votes

Who is currently researching topics concerning applying algebraic topology and/or differential geometry to numerical methods?

4 votes

Looking for Arnol'd quote about Russian students vs western mathematicians

4 votes

Essays and thoughts on mathematics

4 votes

Mathematics and cancer research

3 votes

History of ODE and PDE reference request

3 votes

Reasons for the Arnold conjecture

3 votes

Introductory texts to mathematics

2 votes

Reference: Finsler Derivative?

2 votes

Insightful books about elementary mathematics

2 votes

Russian Equivalent of Big Rudin

2 votes

Intuitive explanation of concentration of the measure for spheres

2 votes

Algebraic Geometry - Blowup

2 votes

Interesting mathematical documentaries

2 votes

Aronszajn measure

2 votes

Differential Algebra Book

2 votes

Companion to theoretical physics for working mathematicians