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David Ben-Zvi's user avatar
David Ben-Zvi
  • Member for 14 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
7 votes

Defining extended TQFTs *with point, line, surface, … operators*

8 votes

What is the Zhu algebra of a vertex algebra "really"?

13 votes

Relationship between the TQFTs in Kapustin-Witten and Ben-Zvi-Sakellaridis-Venkatesh

4 votes

Why is Langlands functoriality usually related with period integral in a third group?

7 votes

Quotient of a quotient stack: interesting examples?

6 votes

Deequivariantisation of indecomposable sheaves

14 votes

Instances of "correcting" the compact objects of a category?

9 votes

Why is the ring of Grothendieck differential operators bad when $X$ is singular?

7 votes

Statement of local geometric Langlands

2 votes

Intuition for points of the moduli of objects for a dg-category

8 votes

Chevalley complex and $\text{BG}$

3 votes

Categorical-geometric Langlands for tori

10 votes

What precisely Is "Categorification"?

4 votes

Uses for (Framed) E2 algebras twisted by braided monoidal structure

5 votes

Path integral derivation of extended TQFT

4 votes

Can every point of Wilson's adelic Grassmannian be obtained by Krichever construction of solutions to KP equations?

12 votes

Geometric Langlands: From D-mod to Fukaya

15 votes

How can I see the relation between shtukas and the Langlands conjecture?

4 votes

What is a tamely-ramified Weil-Deligne representation?

5 votes

Explanation of definition of George Wilson's adelic Grassmannian

10 votes

How should I think about the Grothendieck-Springer alteration?

10 votes

Interpretation of the cohomology of compact lie groups and their classifying spaces in DAG?

21 votes

LMS Lectures on Geometric Langlands

8 votes

Categorical mapping class group action

12 votes

What are local spaces and what are they good for?

4 votes

Mathematics of Chiral Rings

11 votes

Differential operators are coKleisli morphisms of the jet co-monad

26 votes

What are the local Langlands conjectures nowadays, for connected reductive groups over a $p$-adic field?

18 votes

Why can't we take three loops?

14 votes

Is there an $(\infty,2)$-category with morphisms given by $D^b\text{Coh}$?

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