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Daniel Asimov's user avatar
Daniel Asimov
  • Member for 14 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
  • University of California, Berkeley
Possible solution to the 3x3 magic square of squares problem
Aha. So the integers that are squared to get the magic square of squares are required to be neither consecutive nor distinct.
Possible solution to the 3x3 magic square of squares problem
It would be useful if this question defined what a "magic square of squares" is. In any case this appears to address only the 3x3 version.
Is every self homeomorphism of the open disk conjugate to a homeomorphism extendable to the boundary?
No. One can find a smooth homeomorphism of the open disk that takes each circle about the origin, say of radius r ≥ 1/2, to itself by a rotation by angle 𝜃(r), satisfying 𝜃(r) → ∞ as r → ∞. This cannot be extended to the closed disk.
a claim for a proof of the invariant subspace problem
I find it beyond ridiculous that this question should be closed. It is a perfectly reasonable question, since it is about an important unsolved problem in research mathematics. There is nothing gained by closing such a question. In fact, it led to Jochen Glueck's very useful debunking of the paper in his answer below.
What shapes can roll down tailor-made curves, without jumping off or behaving chaotically?
Maybe if you reread my comments you will be able to clarify your question.
What shapes can roll down tailor-made curves, without jumping off or behaving chaotically?
It would be better to edit the question for clarity. But again, I have no idea what you mean by a curve that it "can roll down". Almost any down-sloping curve is one that almost any shape "can roll down".
What shapes can roll down tailor-made curves, without jumping off or behaving chaotically?
Also: Where you write "What I find more interesting, are shapes that actually have a different outside boundary" I have no idea what you mean. Any two non-congruent shapes have a "different outside boundary".
What shapes can roll down tailor-made curves, without jumping off or behaving chaotically?
"In a smooth manner" is rather vague. Must the shape's center of gravity remain at the same y-value during the kind of rolling that you prefer?
A generalized permutohedron as the sum of the dilatations of the faces of the standard simplex
Fixed innumerable spelling errors and a few grammar errors including Postnikov and permutohedra.
Looking for a precise statement about hyperbolic points in the interior of the Mandelbrot set
Since each of "conjectures' 1., 2., 3. are multi-line, there is no way to know what "the entire line" refers to. A much better idea would be for you to edit the question so that it is unambiguous.
Looking for a precise statement about hyperbolic points in the interior of the Mandelbrot set
It is hard to know when the "conjectures" you mention end and the next phrase (if any) begins.
Reconstruction of Riemann surface from a germ of holomorphic function
The germ of a meromorphic function cannot distinguish between whether its domain is a Riemann surface or one of its covering spaces.
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