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erz's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
37 votes

Examples where existence is harder than evaluation

8 votes

Connectedness in the plane

6 votes

Supremum over which sets makes $H^{\infty}$ non-separable?

5 votes

Point-wise limit of finite valued functions

4 votes

Is there a dense subset on closed Jordan curve $C$ which its points make intersections under certain rotations?

4 votes

points separation and dimensions

4 votes

If all points of a real function with positive values would be local minimum, can one say it is constant function?

4 votes

A question about connected subsets of $[0,1]^2$

4 votes

Can a connected planar compactum minus a point be totally disconnected?

3 votes

Whether $\varphi(E)$ is a Jordan measurable set?

3 votes

Hausdorff convergence of preimages of discrete-valued functions

2 votes

Bounded-open topology vs norm on $L\left(X,Y\right)$

2 votes

Generating the topology of a manifold

2 votes

Hausdorff quotient space with compact or finite inverse images

2 votes

Weak basis of normed linear space

2 votes

Inequalities for upper semi-continuous affine functions on compact sets by using extreme points

2 votes

Integrable functions as elements of closed absolutely convex hulls of precompact sets of indicator functions

2 votes

Quotient distance on $\mathbb{C}P^n$ is equivalent to distance induced by the Fubini-Study metric

2 votes

Null preserving transformation

1 vote

Is it possible to connect every compact set?

1 vote

Density of continuous functions to interior in set of all continuous functions

1 vote

Injectivity of a locally strictly expanding map on a compact space

1 vote

Biorthogonal weakly null basic sequences

1 vote

Existence of topologically transitive map on Euclidean space

1 vote

characterization of the unit disk

1 vote

Parallelepiped is defined by the volumes of its faces

1 vote

$S_M$ is not always homeomorphic to the 1-sphere of $F$

1 vote

Topologies of pairs and closed bounded convex sets

1 vote

Space of curves

1 vote

Convexity of distance-to-boundary function