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What is the applications of the dg-enhancements of derived categories of sheaves
One concrete reason: Spherical functors are only defined at the level of DG categories: see arxiv:1309.5035. This is basically because functorial cones exists only in the dg setting.
Do we know any bound on $\operatorname{lcm}(2^1-1, 2^2-1,\dots,2^n-1)$?
As $\operatorname{gcd}(2^p-1,2^q-1)=1$ if $p,q$ are distinct primes, it's at least the product of $2^p-1$ where $p$ ranges over the primes at most $n.$ I think this should give you an asymptotic lower bound of $2^{cn^2/\operatorname{log}(n)}$ where $c$ is any constant less than $\frac{1}{2}.$
Normal bundles of rational equivalent curves
The compactified total space of the chosen bundle on $\mathbb{P}^1\times\mathbb{P}^1.$
Degree 2 curves on a degree d hypersurface in P^(2d+2)/3
I know little about Gromov-Witten theory, but why should we expect the double covers to contribute 0 (as opposed to having to do some sort of excess intersection formula)?
Normal bundles of rational equivalent curves
Take a bundle on $\mathbb{P}^1\times\mathbb{P}^1$ so that the restriction to ${x}\times\mathbb{P}^1$ depends on $x$. Now take the total space of this bundle and compactify it. Then taking $C_i=x_i\times\mathbb{P}^1,$ I believe this construction gives for any pair of vector bundles $M_1,M_2$ on $\mathbb{P}^1$ with the same degree two curves $C_1$,$C_2$ with $N_i=\mathcal{O}\oplus M_i$. Now I believe this immediately gives a counterexample to your statement by taking $M_1=\mathcal{O}(-1)\oplus\mathcal{O}(1)$ and $M_2=\mathcal{O}\oplus\mathcal{O}$, but my knowledge of nef vector bundles is bad...
Cubic fourfold and K3 surface: geometric constructions of Hodge isometry
I'm not an expert on cubic fourfolds, but it seems to me like you could maybe unwind the proofs in Hassett's paper "Some Rational Cubic Fourfolds" using the explicit descriptions of surfaces contained in cubic fourfolds (e.g. in the examples section of his "Special Cubic Fourfolds") to get an answer to this?
Hodge structures generated by cohomology groups of varities with dimension less than $n$
Not for $n=2$ and $i=1$; take $X$ the variety of lines on a smooth cubic threefold, then this is basically the main result of the Clemens-Griffiths proof of irrationality of smooth cubic threefolds. My guess is that for $i$ at least $2$ this is a hard question.
A categorical method to, say, determine the cardinality of a group
The answer to… gives a universal property for Z (namely, that of being a minimal generator)
Compatibility of two definitions of Koszul dual
@QiaochuYuan: I just checked and you're right... I'm suddenly really confused as to how I've gotten away with thinking that it was left module for a while...
Compatibility of two definitions of Koszul dual
@QiaochuYuan: I'm admittedly mostly familiar with the classical case where $\operatorname{Ext}^i(k,k)$ vanishes, and there $RHom(k,-)$ gives you a left module; why is this case different?
Papers/Programs for computing periodic KL polynomials?
@JimHumphreys: I am confused; Soergel, in his remark 4.4, calls the polynomials p_{B,A} "periodic polynomials" (and refers to the generic decompositions pattern paper). Has the notation changed since Soergel wrote that paper? I am not too familiar with the field.
Papers/Programs for computing periodic KL polynomials?
Thanks! I have made the changes you suggest. I'm working here with affine Weyl groups, though having an answer for affine type A would already be really good.
Fano variety of lines on the Segre and the Grassmannian
Correction: It's a bit more complicated than that (the quintic threefold will be singular, and this 3-fold will be a resolution (see In any case it looks like the BPS numbers of this Calabi-Yau threefold have been calculated in In particular, I believe that 4-1.1 shows that there are 100 lines on a generic such threefold (and in particular that there are at least 100 on any such threefold).
Fano variety of lines on the Segre and the Grassmannian
I think should tell you something about this 3-fold; I believe that corollary 5.5 tells you that it's a Calabi-Yau birational to a quintic threefold? I'm very unsure of this (I haven't read the paper in depth).