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  • Member for 10 years, 6 months
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Rational normal curves on quadrics
The space of genus 0 $n$-marked stable maps of degree r to $Q$ is proper, and so the image of the evaluation map $M_{0,n}(Q,r)\rightarrow Q^n$ is going to be a closed subset of $Q^n$. It remains to show that there is a rational normal curve through a generic set of $r+2$ points on $Q$; there should be a lot of ways to do this (I had in mind degenerating $Q$ to a double plane, where this statement can be confirmed by explicit calculation, and then arguing that a rational normal curve in this double plane deforms back to a rational normal curve in Q.)
Rational normal curves on quadrics
If for every partition of your set of points into $S_1$ and $S_2$, the intersection of the span of $S_1$ and the span of $S_2$ (which will be a single point by the assumption of linear general position) does not lie in the quadric, then there will be a rational normal curve in $Q$ through your points. This is because there must be a genus 0 stable map of degree $r$ through your points, and this must necessarily be an embedding of a rational normal curve (all possible degenerate cases can be excluded by our conditions.) Unfortunately there are a lot of details to write out...
If $X$ has non-singular normalization $\dim (\mathrm{Sing(X)})=\dim (X)-1$?
You should get a counterexample from taking any projective variety and gluing two points.
Global sections of higher direct image sheaf
Is there any reason to believe something like this should be true? I don't see why there should be any natural map between the two and it's false for $S$ empty...
What are some open problems in algebraic geometry?
I believe the Coolidge-Nagata conjecture is now known, see
Equivariant Cohomology of flag varieties
What's your action of W on the flag variety? I don't know of any natural ones (because I don't know of any natural embeddings of W into G.)
Gonality and Clifford dimension of curves on a K3 surface
@poorna But that follows from Pic(X)=Z[L]; I think as long as that's true, it doesn't matter if C is generic in the linear system.
Gonality and Clifford dimension of curves on a K3 surface
Doesn't Lazarsfeld actually prove that any smooth curve in $|L|$ is Brill-Noether general (Corollary 1.4 in his paper)?
Progress on the standard conjectures on algebraic cycles
Not an expert at all, but I think there has been new cases proved recently, e.g. in (see references within as well).