Strashimir G. Popvassilev
Email at work:
s p o p v a s s i l e v @ c c n y . c u n y . e d u
Email at gmail:
s t r a s h i m i r . p o p v a s s i l e v @ g m a i l . c o m
Interested in general topology (generalizations of paracompactness, covering and base properties), real (and complex) variables, discrete and combinatorial geometry, calculus, set-theory, dynamical systems, discrete mathematics, others.
1985-1992, student, Sofia University
"St.Kl.Ohridski", Bulgaria. (M.Sci.)
1992-1997 research asst, Institute Mathematics
Bulgarian Acad of Sciences (presently on leave)
1997-2002, GTA Auburn Univ, AL, (Ph.D.)
advisor Gary Gruenhage. (Dissertation in
the area of set-theoretic topology,
paracompactness type properties.)
2003 Instructor Auburn Univ, AL.
2003-2007, Asst Prof University
of Louisiana at Lafayette.
2007-2008, Asst Prof University
of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast.
2008- Fall 2014, The City College of New York (CCNY).
Spring 2015, Medgar Evers College, New York (MEC).
Fall 2016 - Spring 2017, Lecturer, CCNY, CUNY.
2018 - present, Adjunct Assoc Prof CCNY and MEC, CUNY