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Corentin B
  • Member for 2 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
32 votes

Using Busy Beavers to prove conjectures

27 votes

Necessary and sufficient conditions for the Cayley graph to be bipartite

18 votes

What are the $\inf$ and $\sup$ of the area of quadrilateral given its sides length?

12 votes

Uniqueness results that follow from CH

11 votes

When is 2 qualitatively different from 3?

9 votes

What is known/expected on the co-growth series of the braid group?

8 votes

Are directed graphs with out-degree exactly 2 strongly connected with probability 1?

8 votes

Groups (not) quasi-retracting onto $\mathbb{Z}$

8 votes

Identity involving Pochhammer symbol

7 votes

On intersection of finite index fully invariant subgroup

6 votes

Green's kernel estimates on finitely generated groups

6 votes

When is 2 qualitatively different from 3?

5 votes

Chain of automorphism groups

5 votes

Counting a class of backtracking walks

5 votes

How fast does the number of "fixed" points grow compared to the size of the ball in the following group?

4 votes

Hamiltonian paths in 2-generated (Cayley) circulant digraphs. A counterexample?

3 votes

Other, easier, approaches to proving: for $k$ coprime integers summing to zero, there is no bound on $\min\{\Omega(a_1),\ldots,\Omega(a_k)\}$

2 votes

Point of concurrency of three circles which pass through vertices of a triangle and erected equilateral triangles

1 vote

Hyperoctahedral group, preliminaries