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Peter Taylor
  • Member for 10 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Spain
Power of primes
For me the real question about naturality is why $P_{n+2}$ should be special. Why not $P_{n+j}$ for any $j > 0$?
Using Busy Beavers to prove conjectures
@prosfilaes, and from the other direction, if someone manages to prove that the I3 rank-into-rank axiom is necessary to prove the existence of a Laver table with period 32 (currently it's known to be sufficient and unless I've missed a recent proof there's no known proof with weaker assumptions) then that establishes an upper bound of BB(63) being knowable with weaker assumptions.
Do amoebas obtain extra tentacles as we take the tropical limit?
Surely changing the base of the logarithm just scales the diagram?
The tightest prime zipper
@MichaelHardy, slightly. $f(2n) = p_n$, $f(2n+1) = \lfloor \frac{p_n + p_{n+1}}{2}\rfloor$ needs slight tweaking to account for the sole prime gap of 1, but the idea should be clear.
How has "what every mathematician should know" changed?
Re "I do need to have some sense of what kinds of computations are feasible": there's an element here of knowing when to consult people with more experience in computation. I can think of one example where experience in combinatorial search reduces a calculation from a month to under a minute, and a few other examples which similarly show the value of better algorithms and more experience in optimisation.
Number of divisors which are at most $n$
The opposite question is also interesting: are there values of $n$ for which it isn't surjective?
Which polygons allow partition into rational triangles?
No. The set of side length sequences is countable, but varying the angles between them may give an uncountable set for a single side length sequence. E.g. there's an uncountable set of unit rhombi.
Recurrence relation with two variables
You're looking at the output for $n = 6$. Change the third line (n = 6) for different values of $n$. If I'm reading Out[11] correctly in your output, you don't seem to be constraining f[0, 2] and f[2, 0] except to be equal to each other.
Recurrence relation with two variables
The above linked Sage code gives unique solution $f(0, 0) = 27/6887$, $f(0, 1) = f(1, 0) = 162/6887$, $f(1, 1) = 1007/6887$, $f(0, 2) = f(2, 0) = 1072/6887$, $f(0, 3) = f(1, 2) = f(2, 1) = f(3, 0) = 1$ for $n=5, r=1$. Where's the further discrepancy?
Recurrence relation with two variables
Ah, I've found the discrepancy. I misread the question as what @user675763 surely intended, which is to replace all of the $< N - 3$ with $\le N - 3$ so that every cell in the triangle has a constraint, rather than having an antidiagonal at $i + j = N - 3$ which is unconstrained.
Recurrence relation with two variables
I get one solution for $n=6$ with $f(0,0)=\frac{48r+11}{62208r^5+77760r^4+34560r^3+6660r^2+525r+11}$. Sage
binomial coefficients are integers because numerator and denominator form pairs?
@user11566470, what do you mean "there's no good implementation of integer-based Bin"? It's perfectly easy to implement. In C-like pseudocode, result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) result = result * (n - i) / (i + 1);
Matrices over $\mathbb{F}_p$ that have nonzero determinant under any element permutation
We have $n^2$ elements to divide among $p$ residues, so there must be a multiset of at least $n^2 - p$ elements which can be partitioned into two equal multisets. If $n^2 - p \ge 2n$ then this means there must be a permutation with two equal rows, hence singular; so necessarily $n(n-2) < p$.
How do you *state* the Classification of finite simple groups?
@TheAmplitwist, the series of books by Gorenstein, Lyons & Solomon which is also referred to as the "second generation" proof.
Prime divisors of $p^n-1$, primitive prime divisors
Other examples are given by $p=3$, $q t_1 t_2 = 70$.
Solving a recurrence relation for the prime counting function?
I think what this shows is either that your heuristic about $\exp$ and roots is wrong or that because we're working with formal power series there are convergence issues. From the definition of $b_i$ as $\sum_{i \ge -1} b_i z^i = \frac{\textrm{d}}{\textrm{d}z} \log f(z)$ we easily derive $f(z) = \exp \int \sum_{i \ge -1} b_i z^i \textrm{d}z = \exp \left(b_{-1}\log z + \int \sum_{i \ge 0} b_i z^i \textrm{d}z\right) = z^{b_{-1}} \exp \int \sum_{i \ge 0} b_i z^i \textrm{d}z$
Solving a recurrence relation for the prime counting function?
The expression $\Pi(z) = z^2 \exp \sum_{i \ge 0} \frac{c_i z^{i+1}}{i+1}$ can also be derived directly from the definition of A307977 and the relationship $\Pi(z) = \frac{1}{1-z} \sum_{p \textrm{ prime}} z^p$.
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