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You mention Erdos-Renyi random graphs $G(n,p)$ below. Note that making $p=c/n$ with $c$ fixed might be unnecessarily restrictive. If $p$ is just slightly larger, i.e. $p \ge (1+\epsilon) \log n / n$ with $\epsilon > 0$ fixed, then the random graph is connected with probability one. As far as I can tell the question about sandpile groups makes sense and is interesting for this (or any larger) function $p=p(n)$. An interesting alternative would be to consider sandpile groups of $d$-regular graphs. Already when $d=3$ these are connected with probability one.
I believe that what I stated above is the Charney-Davis conjecture, at least one version or one case of it. What I am asking for are more general versions of it.
More generally, all graphs (whether planar or not) of maximal degree 4 are 4-colorable, with the complete graph $K_5$ being the only exception. This is covered by Brooks' Theorem. My only concern with this argument is if we also want to color the external face, and then every vertex in the dual graph has degree >= 5.