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Peter Dukes
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
The Simultaneous Conjugacy Problem in the symmetric group $S_N$
Sorry. I just noticed that my comment about the count of orbits is directly addressed (for $d=2$, anyway) in a "Related" MO problem to the left:…
The Simultaneous Conjugacy Problem in the symmetric group $S_N$
I like your canonical form and Brendan's answer below. I just wanted to comment that Burnside's lemma says there are \begin{equation} \frac{1}{|S_N|} \sum_{\alpha \in S_N} |\text{centralizer}(\alpha)|^d = \frac{1}{N!} \sum_{\alpha} \left( \sum_{\chi} \chi^2(\alpha) \right)^d \end{equation} different orbits of $G^d$ under simultaneous conjugation. So you can compute the corresponding count of types rather easily (but it involves the character table).
Hitting sets (aka covers aka transversals) of Steiner triple systems
I may not understand properly, but doesn't $c=1$ work? The goal is to get $c$ as small as possible. Two observations: (1) From simple counting, it's clear that we need $c > 1/3$. (2) If you specify your set $P \subset [v]$ ahead of time and then quantify over all STS on $[v]$, you run into counterexamples for $c$ below $1/2$.
The number of partitions between two fixed partitions
OK good. I am outside my comfort level here, but I agree this should be well known. Do you vaguely recall if the determinant was of some Hessenberg matrix?
Could a perfect squared square be split into two perfect squared squares?
What we could really use is, for each square, a list of multiples of that square which are mutually disjoint. With enough such examples, we can recursively split up squares into smaller and smaller squares and guarantee they are all disjoint.
Could a perfect squared square be split into two perfect squared squares?
It just occurred to me that our 25 squares don't need to be of the same order (number of constituent squares) -- just the same size.
Point sets with tangents through every point
Flats are also known as subdesigns, or subspaces. By the way, I am interested in designs such that any "small" collection of points is contained in a proper flat/subdesign. They exist with surprising abundance, not just in affine or projective space of high dimension. There are lots of tangents in these cases.
Number of kxk matrices whose rows and columns are permutations
It is conjectured, I think, that the number of 1-factorizations of $K_n$ is about $(n/e^2)^{n^2/2}$. Bounds are known, but where the base of the exponent differs by a constant multiple. We want 1-factorizations of $K_{n,n}$ instead. Do the techniques extend somehow? With not much effort we get something in between $(C_1 n)^{n^2/2}$ and $(C_2 n)^{2n^2}$, but there is a huge gap.
Knight's metric: ellipse and parabola
I guess a line could be defined as the locus of points for which one has equality in the triangle inequality with respect to two given points. Then, Masked Avenger's comment gives the parabola. I would be interested to see this parabola for line $\langle (-1,2) \rangle$ and focus $(2,1)$.
Point sets with tangents through every point
You probably know this already, but $S$ has your Ore property whenever $S$ is contained in a proper flat, and also whenever $P$ is large relative to (quadratic in?) $S$.
Could a perfect squared square be split into two perfect squared squares?
As discussed after my incomplete solution: The answer is yes if we have 25 mutually disjoint perfect squared squares of some order. This page discusses disjoint families: All indications are that a family of 25 should exist. But, unfortunately, I see no elementary way to get the family (although at first I thought it should be easy via compound squares).
Could a perfect squared square be split into two perfect squared squares?
Yes... I am concerned too. I am thinking about a fix to easily get the 25 squares.
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