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Keenan Kidwell's user avatar
Keenan Kidwell's user avatar
Keenan Kidwell
  • Member for 14 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Austin, TX, USA
36 votes

A profinite group which is not its own profinite completion?

23 votes

Roadmap for studying arithmetic geometry

19 votes

Is there a notion of integration over the algebraic numbers?

16 votes

Chinese Remainder Theorem for rings: why not for modules?

12 votes

Problems concerning R and R[x]

8 votes

Is any continuous group homomorphism from R to C* an exponential map?

7 votes

Abelian varieties as analytic manifolds

7 votes

Relation between partially computable function and complex function

7 votes

What's the minimum number of generators for the wild inertia?

7 votes

Avoiding Minkowski's theorem in algebraic number theory.

7 votes

Analog to the Chinese Remainder Theorem in groups other than Z_n.

6 votes

Localizations as free, finite rank modules

6 votes

Place stabilizers for the absolute Galois Group

6 votes

Scheme-theoretic account of why every variety embeds in a complete variety

6 votes

discrete valuation ring and ring of witt vectors

5 votes

Textbook recommendations for undergraduate proof-writing class

5 votes

What out-of-print books would you like to see re-printed?

4 votes

Finitely generated Galois groups

3 votes

Finitely Generated Commutative Z-algebra

3 votes

What are the open normal subgroups of the inertia group of a local field?

3 votes

Weil group of a local field, small notational problem

3 votes

Pontryagin dual

3 votes

Iwasawa's invariants

2 votes

Topology of ring of global sections of finite union of affinoid opens in a rigid analytic space

2 votes

Degree of a finite locally free group scheme over a base scheme of characteristic p

1 vote

Topologizing free abelian groups

1 vote

Commutator of algebraic subgroups is connected