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Tilman's user avatar
Tilman's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
  • Amsterdam, The Netherlands
765 votes

Examples of common false beliefs in mathematics

48 votes

third stable homotopy group of spheres via geometry?

34 votes

Examples of eventual counterexamples

22 votes

Mathematically mature way to think about Mayer–Vietoris

21 votes

Examples of eventual counterexamples

20 votes

Singular complex = cohomology ring + Steenrod operations?

19 votes

Is every homology theory given by a spectrum?

17 votes

How should one think about pushforward in cohomology?

16 votes

Are there applications of algebraic geometry into algebraic topology?

15 votes

Explicitly construct generators of homotopy groups of spheres

15 votes

Fibrations and Cofibrations of spectra are "the same"

14 votes

Spectral sequences: opening the black box slowly with an example

14 votes

What is the motivation for maps of adjunctions?

13 votes

Are $\mathbb{C}$ and $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}_p$ isomorphic?

13 votes

What's after natural transformations?

13 votes

Are there some tables or handbooks of homology and homotopy groups of every manifold which has been calculated?

12 votes

Do filtered colimits commute with finite limits in the category of pointed sets?

12 votes

Uniqueness of loop spaces

12 votes

Null-homotopy of diagonal map

12 votes

Is assigning the endomorphism object in some sense functorial?

12 votes

Relation of Lie Groups and Cohmology Theories via Formal Group Laws

11 votes

Cohomology rings of $ GL_n(C)$, $SL_n(C)$

11 votes

Are generalized cohomology theories a set of complete homotopy invariants for spaces ?

10 votes

map of manifolds inducing iso on top cohomology, but not surjective on one other cohomology group

10 votes

Applications of the group completion theorem

9 votes

$\pi_n(f)=0$ implies $f\simeq \ast$? $H_n(f)=0$ implies $f\simeq \ast$?

9 votes

Hopf algebra structure on $\prod_n A^{\otimes n}$ for an algebra $A$

8 votes

Christening Fermat's Little Theorem

8 votes

localization at a homology theory and the Adams spectral sequence

7 votes

Cyclic Permutations - but not what you think