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Barbara's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
14 votes

Tangent space in Algebraic geometry and Differential geometry

12 votes

Why are people interested in defining GW invariant in algebraic geometry category

10 votes

Hilbert schemes of points on a Fano variety

10 votes

Quantum cohomology rings as invariants

10 votes

Tangent space of the stack $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(X,\beta)$.

9 votes

When is a morphism proper?

6 votes

Do the virtual fundamental classes satisfy functorial properties?

6 votes

Proving that a map is a morphism

6 votes

Siegel modular forms as sections of line bundles over the period domain

5 votes

Twisted curves, admissible covers, and an algebraic analogue of a specific monodromy computation

5 votes

There are many varieties with ample canonical bundle

2 votes

Undergraduate approach to learning math