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David Rydh
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
80 votes

What do epimorphisms of (commutative) rings look like?

37 votes

When is fiber dimension upper semi-continuous?

34 votes

Why are unramified maps not required to be locally of finite presentation?

28 votes

Can a quotient ring R/J ever be flat over R?

23 votes

If the direct image of f preserves coherent sheaves on noetherian schemes, how to show f is proper?

20 votes

Does a scheme have a "separification"?

18 votes

Is there an example of a scheme X whose reduction X_red is affine but X is not affine?

17 votes

Do line bundles descend to coarse moduli spaces of Artin stacks with finite inertia?

15 votes

coarse moduli space of DM stacks

13 votes

Weil divisors on non Noetherian schemes

11 votes

Is there an example of a variety over the complex numbers with no embedding into a smooth variety?

11 votes

When a smooth algebra is regular?

11 votes

Algebraic cycles, Chow spaces and Hilbert-Chow morphisms

11 votes

Ferrand pushouts for algebraic stacks

10 votes

Is $\mathcal{D} \bigl( \mathrm{QCoh}(\mathfrak{X}) \bigr)$ compactly generated?

10 votes

Finite Hausdorff spaces

9 votes

Milnor excision for algebraic stacks

7 votes

Is there an example of an algebraic stack whose closed points have affine stabilizers but whose diagonal is not affine?

7 votes

Do pushouts along universal homeomorphisms exist?

7 votes

Approximation of stacks / algebraic spaces

7 votes

Is every integral epimorphism of commutative rings surjective?

7 votes

universal property of blow up for stacks?

6 votes

algebraization theorems

5 votes

Les deux théorèmes d'existence en théorie formelle des modules

5 votes

Universal homeomorphism of stacks and etale sites

5 votes

About Fulton's Intersection theory Appendix Lemma A 4.1

4 votes

Gluing along closed subschemes

3 votes

Is there a non-quotient stack with affine stabilizers whose good moduli space is a geometric point?

3 votes

Functors on rigid tensor categories.

2 votes

Points of a weakly locally separated algebraic space