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Colin Reid's user avatar
Colin Reid
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
48 votes

Jokes in the sense of Littlewood: examples?

29 votes

Math paper authors' order

19 votes

An infinite group such that every proper subgroup is finite?

12 votes

Applications of infinite graph theory

10 votes

Not especially famous, long-open problems which anyone can understand

9 votes

Cool problems to impress students with group theory

9 votes

Classifications of finite simple objects

8 votes

Which journals publish 1-page papers

8 votes

Is a particular type of question about certain infinite sets still being asked?

7 votes

Locally compact vs. compactly generated in group theory

7 votes

Finite groups with elements of the same order

7 votes

Faithful representations of free pro-p groups

7 votes

Every group of totally disconnected type is locally profinite?

6 votes

What are some interesting examples of non-classical dynamical systems? (Group action other than $\mathbb{Z}$ or $\mathbb{R}$ )

6 votes

What is the virtue of profinite groups as mathematical objects?

6 votes

Admissible finite groups

6 votes

Solving algebraic problems with topology

6 votes

Quotients of Free pro-p groups

5 votes

Simple groups and words

5 votes

Has the Jacobson/ Baer radical of a group been studied?

5 votes

Characteristically simple locally compact abelian groups

4 votes

Milnor-Wolf theorem for topological groups

4 votes

Are all profinite groups conjugacy separable?

4 votes

Is a profinite group with a finite number of simple quotients and Jordan-Hölder factors finitely generated?

4 votes

Finite simple groups with upper bound on order of elements

3 votes

Generating n-cycles

3 votes

Can a soluble group compute OR?

3 votes

Lattices in general totally disconnected locally compact groups

3 votes

How to get Latin squares from a finite group and a subgroup

3 votes

What is the most useful non-existing object of your field?