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Colin Reid's user avatar
Colin Reid
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

Compactly generated vertex stabilisers in compactly generated t.d.l.c. groups acting on trees

2 votes

Willis theory for discrete groups?

2 votes

Wild automorphisms of profinite groups

2 votes

Poisson Furstenberg Boundary of topological groups, reference request

2 votes

Name for a certain kind of 'weakly primitive' permutation group

2 votes

Uniqueness of composition series for profinite groups

2 votes

Automorphisms of locally finite countable posets-2

2 votes

German mathematical terms like "Nullstellensatz"

2 votes

Induced Subgraphs and Orbits of the automorphism group action

2 votes

What are some mathematical sculptures?

2 votes

less elementary group theory

2 votes

Order information enough to guarantee 1-isomorphism?

1 vote

Elementary abelian normal subgroups of a pro-p group

1 vote

Hopfian and Co-Hopfian groups (examples)

1 vote

super-transitive group action

1 vote

Infimum of two group topologies

1 vote

Just-not-nilpotent-by-compact quotient of a locally compact group

1 vote

Continuity of conjugation actions of Polish groups

1 vote

Equicontinuity and orbits of compact open sets

1 vote

Minimal normal subgroups of finite groups

1 vote

Factoring isomorphisms using automorphisms

1 vote

Commensurated subgroups of a free group

1 vote

Topological full groups and minimal orbit closures

1 vote

Set of topologies on a group making it a compact Hausdorff topological group

1 vote

Down to earth, intuition behind a Anabelian group

0 votes

What are the best settings for the large scale geometry of locally compact groups?

0 votes

Have any publications been made in this area of group theory?

0 votes

Distinguishing finite-orbit permutation groups by action on tuples