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David Lehavi's user avatar
David Lehavi
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

Can we count isogeny classes of abelian varieties?

1 vote

Is formal proof (formalized mathematics) interesting to practicing mathematicians? To educators?

1 vote

Divisors, extensions of functions

1 vote

Dolbeault cohomology

1 vote

What is an example of a function on M_g?

1 vote

Formal consequences of Riemann-Roch (multiple answers welcome)

1 vote

Is there a software package that does Schubert Calculus computations?

1 vote

What is the homology of the real coordinate ring of SO(n,R)? Other compact matrix groups?

1 vote

is there a good computer package for working with bicomplexes?

1 vote

How to teach introductory statistic course to students with little math background?

1 vote

Similarity of Ellipsoids

1 vote

Going further on How sections of line bundles rule maps into projective spaces

1 vote

Can analysis detect torsion in cohomology?

1 vote

Characterize the space of all ramification divisors of degree $d$

1 vote

Blow-up of the plane at $5$ points

0 votes

spectral radius of a matrix as one element changes

0 votes

Sections of a divisor on elliptic curve

0 votes

Algebraic data and purity associated to codimension greater than 2

0 votes

What's so great about blackboards?

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