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HenrikRüping's user avatar
HenrikRüping's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
21 votes

Example of an unnatural isomorphism

21 votes

Bijection $\varphi:\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}$ that distorts every finite arithmetic progression

19 votes

Proving that a group is free

17 votes

Are there space filling curves for the Hilbert cube?

17 votes

The free group $F_2$ has index 12 in SL(2,$\mathbb{Z}$)

14 votes

Examples of common false beliefs in mathematics

12 votes

Results in linear algebra that depend on the choice of field

11 votes

Isomorphic morphisms. A 27-morphism category

11 votes

Homeomorphism-fixing subsets

8 votes

Which functors preserve the number of connected components?

8 votes

What is an explicit example of a sequence converging to two different points?

8 votes

homotopy associative $H$-space and $coH$-space

7 votes

Integrability of derivatives

7 votes

Applications of homotopy groups of spheres

7 votes

Question about spectral sequences associated to filtered complexes with unbounded filtrations

7 votes

Visualizing hyperbolic metric of punctured sphere

7 votes

When is a extension of $\mathbb{Z}$ by a free group a CAT(0) group?

7 votes

Criteria for extending vector field on sphere to ball

7 votes

Equivariant Smith normal form?

7 votes

A mutation of the Collatz disease

7 votes

Reference for surjectivity of the canonical map $R^{G_1} \otimes R^{G_2} \to R^{G_1 \cap G_2}$

6 votes

For $\mathbb R^n \times Q \cong \mathbb R^m \times Q $ must $n = m$? ($Q$ is the Hilbert cube)

6 votes

When are two semidirect products of two cyclic groups isomorphic

6 votes

What is the intuitive difference between these two simplicial subdivision functors?

6 votes

Examples of non-metrizable spaces

6 votes

The fundamental group of an $S^1$-quotient

6 votes

Massey Products on a specific space

6 votes

An example of a regular but not linear-based topological space

5 votes

Obstructions to $E_2$-algebra structure on $E_1$-algebra

5 votes

Adem relations of Steenrod square without modding out the coboundaries