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José Figueroa-O'Farrill's user avatar
José Figueroa-O'Farrill's user avatar
José Figueroa-O'Farrill
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
116 votes

How do I make the conceptual transition from multivariable calculus to differential forms?

77 votes

What is an integrable system?

75 votes

Should one use "above" and "below" in mathematical writing?

68 votes

Fundamental Examples

64 votes

What is torsion in differential geometry intuitively?

53 votes

How to find ICM talks?

47 votes

Great mathematicians born 1850-1920 (ET Bell's book ≲ x ≲ Fields Medalists)

46 votes

Intuitive explanation of Burnside's Lemma

44 votes

When and how is it appropriate for an undergraduate to email a professor out of the blue?

44 votes

The finite subgroups of SU(n)

42 votes

Suggestions for good notation

38 votes

Examples of common false beliefs in mathematics

35 votes

Theorems with unexpected conclusions

35 votes

The 'real' use of Quantum Algebra, Non-commutative Geometry, Representation Theory, and Algebraic Geometry to Physics

35 votes

Fundamental Examples

32 votes

How to interpret the Sugawara construction from a physical or mathematical viewpoint?

31 votes

How to see the Phase Space of a Physical System as the Cotangent Bundle

31 votes

Poincaré Conjecture and the Shape of the Universe

30 votes

Vector spaces without natural bases

29 votes

Most memorable titles

29 votes

When is Aut(G) abelian?

28 votes

Determining a surface in $\mathbb{R}^3$ by its Gaussian curvature

27 votes

The Jacobi Identity for the Poisson Bracket

26 votes

Occurrences of (co)homology in other disciplines and/or nature

26 votes

What are the uses of the homotopy groups of spheres?

25 votes

Specializing early

25 votes

What do heat kernels have to do with the Riemann-Roch theorem and the Gauss-Bonnet theorem?

25 votes

BRST cohomology

24 votes

Maurer-Cartan form

24 votes

Quantitatively speaking, which subject area in mathematics is currently the most research active?

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