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José Figueroa-O'Farrill's user avatar
José Figueroa-O'Farrill's user avatar
José Figueroa-O'Farrill
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
5 votes

Reference for Almost-Kahler geometry

5 votes

What do whitehead towers have to do with physics?

5 votes

equivariant index of Dirac Operator on $S^{2}$

5 votes

Restricted Three-Body Problem

5 votes

Polynomial Vector Fields on the 3-Sphere

5 votes

highest weight representation and electromagnetic fields

5 votes

Explicit invariants (under change of basis) of maps $V \to V \otimes V$.

5 votes

Linear Algebra Texts?

5 votes

Is there a definition of analogue Weyl group for Lie super algebra?

5 votes

how many injective homomorphism between two lie algebra sl2 and sp6 up to conjugate by Sp6?

5 votes

Index of an Operator

5 votes

Literature for gauge field theory on the lattice in geometrical formulation

4 votes

A question about a one-form on Riemannian manifold

4 votes

Do we have non-abelian sheaf cohomology?

4 votes

Hodge dual on hermitian manifold

4 votes

Classification of Sasaki manifolds

4 votes

Is there much theory of superalgebras acting on manifolds by alternating polyvector fields?

4 votes

Clifford Algebra and Gamma matrices: is this relation generally true for any dimension?

4 votes

Characterisation of parabolic subalgebras: reference sought

4 votes

Characterizing the harmonic oscillator creation and annihilation operators in a rotationally invariant way

4 votes

Inner products on differential forms

4 votes

higher order structure by higher order derivatives

4 votes

Which of Quillen's Papers Should I read?

4 votes

Spinors on orbifolds

4 votes

Holonomy Groups and the Hopf Fibration

4 votes

Good books on problem solving / math olympiad

4 votes

Categorifications of the Fibonacci Fusion Ring arising from Conformal Field Theory

4 votes

Does every ODE comes from something in physics?

4 votes

What are good non-English languages for mathematicians to know?

4 votes

Fourier transform for dummies

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