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José Figueroa-O'Farrill's user avatar
José Figueroa-O'Farrill's user avatar
José Figueroa-O'Farrill
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
6 votes

When is a Riemannian metric equivalent to the flat metric on $\mathbb R^n$?

6 votes

ADE type Dynkin diagrams

6 votes

Looking for an introduction to orbifolds

6 votes

Something like mathoverflow in other sciences

6 votes

What is the first interesting theorem in (insert subject here)?

6 votes

HOMFLY and homology; also superalgebras

6 votes

Fundamental Examples

6 votes

Math keyboard: does it exist ?

6 votes

Database of finite presentations of used groups

6 votes

What are the motivations for studying Cherednik (symplectic reflection, graded Hecke) algebras?

6 votes

What is the definition of picture changing operation?

5 votes

Example of Non-Conformally Flat Einstein Manifold?

5 votes

What math institutes offer research in pairs/research in teams?

5 votes

Action of G_2 on certain 7x7 skew-symmetric matrices

5 votes

Nonlinear sigma models with non-compact groups / target spaces

5 votes

Physicist's request for intuition on covariant derivatives and Lie derivatives

5 votes

Lie groups generated by finitely many Lie algebra elements

5 votes

Low dimensional nilpotent Lie algebras

5 votes

Reductive Lie algebra

5 votes

Clifford Algebra in Dirac Equation

5 votes

Doing geometry using Feynman Path Integral?

5 votes

Change of coordinates introduced through dx

5 votes

Explicit Spin Structures on the Torus

5 votes

About vertex algebra, mode expansion

5 votes

N=(2,2) supersymmetry in two-dimensional Euclidean space

5 votes

Top specialized journals

5 votes

References for traceless and/or imaginary Octonionic matrices?

5 votes

What are "classical groups"?

5 votes

could you help me understand an equation in a paper by Atiyah & Bott?

5 votes

Differential Geometry/General Relativity Computer Algebra

4 5
7 8