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José Figueroa-O'Farrill's user avatar
José Figueroa-O'Farrill's user avatar
José Figueroa-O'Farrill
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
8 votes

Decomposition of $S^7=\operatorname{Spin}(7)/G_2$

8 votes

How to solve the system of PDEs defining Killing vectors

7 votes

Great mathematicians born 1850-1920 (ET Bell's book ≲ x ≲ Fields Medalists)

7 votes

What is the relationship between various things called holonomic?

7 votes

Endomorphisms of vector bundles

7 votes

Atiyah-Singer index theorem

7 votes

Octonionic Unitary Group?

7 votes

Use of traces in physics

7 votes

Question about the dimension of a Contact (Symplectic) manifold

7 votes

Occurrence of semi-spin groups

7 votes

Sasaki but not Einstein

7 votes

Connection 1-forms of a Riemannian metric and the norm of the Hessian and ( seemingly ) two different definitions of Hessian and its norm

7 votes

Continuous cohomology of semi-simple Lie group

7 votes

Conformal Killing spinors

7 votes

Mathematicians and string theory?

7 votes

How do you exponentiate a section of the adjoint bundle to get a gauge transformation?

7 votes

Nash embedding theorem for 2D manifolds

7 votes

Solution for a system of PDEs

6 votes

Is there a Whitney Embedding Theorem for non-smooth manifolds?

6 votes

Why are integrals over cycles called periods?

6 votes

Normal Ordering with Vertex Operators in Conformal Field Theory

6 votes

The invariant 3-form on a compact Lie group

6 votes

Decomposition of Lorentz-like groups

6 votes

Eta Invariant of Spherical Space Form

6 votes

Trivial canonical bundle of a Ricci-flat, simplyconnected Kähler manifold

6 votes

polarization formula for homogeneous polynomials

6 votes

On matrix representations of the Clifford algebras of type $Cl(0,n)$

6 votes

What are the relative differential forms of a family of (nodal) curves?

6 votes

The Category of Representations of a Group

6 votes

Is "semisimple" a dense condition among Lie algebras?

3 4
6 7