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Dustin Clausen's user avatar
Dustin Clausen's user avatar
Dustin Clausen
  • Member for 14 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
22 votes

The derived category of the heart of a t-structure

28 votes

"Mathematics talk" for five year olds

9 votes

Showing morphism of sheaves is zero

10 votes

Is there a categorification of topological K-theory?

13 votes

Is there a typical example of Nisnevich covers?

8 votes

K-theory, monoidal vs. exact

8 votes

Weil reciprocity vs Artin reciprocity

11 votes

K-Theory space of finite abelian groups

11 votes

Stable Conjugacy for Integer Matrices

3 votes

etale homotopy and Adams conjecture

14 votes

Connective spectra versus simplicial abelian groups - very basic question

12 votes

Is Algebraic Geometry really natural?

15 votes

Is the $\infty$-category of stable $\infty$-categories stable?

8 votes

Complicating an Example by Toen (motivations for DAG)

7 votes

Are finite correspondances flat?

11 votes

The Frobenius morphism

9 votes

When do two elliptic curves have equivalent small etale toposes?

16 votes

How should a homotopy theorist think about sheaf cohomology?

11 votes

What is the etymology of the term "perverse sheaf"?

3 votes

Galois descent, explicit inverse map

16 votes

Functorial Whitehead Tower?

2 votes

what notions are "geometric" (characterized by geometric fibers)?

12 votes

Why does one invert $G_m$ in the construction of the motivic stable homotopy category?

61 votes

What is DAG and what has it to do with the ideas of Voevodsky?

4 votes

Different interpretations of moduli stacks

12 votes

Computing fundamental groups and singular cohomology of projective varieties

6 votes

Weakened conditions for étale + X implies faithfully flat.

11 votes

On using field extensions to prove the impossiblity of a straightedge and compass construction