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Konstantinos Gaitanas's user avatar
Konstantinos Gaitanas's user avatar
Konstantinos Gaitanas
  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
2 votes

What are examples of mathematical concepts named after the wrong people? (Stigler's law)

6 votes

Is a "non-analytic" proof of Dirichlet's theorem on primes known or possible?

4 votes

Harmonic sums and elementary number theory

12 votes

Lower density of numbers not summable by consecutive integers

2 votes

Perfect numbers and perfect powers

12 votes

$1$ as difference of composites with same number of prime factors

9 votes

Nontrivial theorems with trivial proofs

2 votes

Why such an interest in studying prime gaps?

3 votes

Conjectute: no exist an equilateral triangle such that all vertices are integer numbers

21 votes

What advantage humans have over computers in mathematics?

16 votes

Do mathematical objects disappear?

2 votes

Diagonal argument for even perfect numbers

3 votes

When is $a^{2^n}+1$ prime finitely often unconditionally?

3 votes

History of Mathematical Notation

7 votes

A new result on the Diophantine equation $x^3 + y^3 +z^3 = 3$

4 votes

Special rational numbers that appear as answers to natural questions

1 vote

How many of Ramanujan's discoveries have had a practical application?

1 vote

Looking for a reference to a classical formula for the sum of the base-$b$ digits of an integer

3 votes

Sets whose elements are mutually "weakly" coprime?

14 votes

How can an extremely mathematically talented young person be helped to fulfill his/her potential?

0 votes

Definition of elementary number theory

8 votes

Density of all n such that 2^n-1 is square free

1 vote

The least number of quadratic polynomials needed to cover $[1,N]$

1 vote

Sequences with integral means

2 votes

Defining the slowest divergent series

16 votes

Is there an algorithm to solve quadratic Diophantine equations?

4 votes

Generalized quasi-perfect numbers