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Paul's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 10 years ago
47 votes

Which manifolds are homeomorphic to simplicial complexes?

46 votes

How to draw knots with Latex?

34 votes

When is a Homology Class Represented by a Submanifold?

22 votes

Refereeing a Paper

16 votes

(Co)homology of the Eilenberg-MacLane spaces K(G,n)

16 votes

What to look for in applicants to graduate programs (in mathematics)?

16 votes

The finite subgroups of SL(2,C)

14 votes

Betti number and harmonic forms

14 votes

Are there examples of non-orientable manifolds in nature?

14 votes

Status of PL topology

13 votes

Rational Homology of a Covering Space

12 votes

The (n+1)-st cohomology of K(Z/p,n).

11 votes

Proofs of Rohlin's theorem (an oriented 4-manifold with zero signature bounds a 5-manifold)

11 votes

Compactification theorem for differentiable manifolds ?

11 votes

Usefulness of using TQFTs

10 votes

Laplace-deRham operator for 1-forms on the sphere

8 votes

Algebraic De Rham cup product versus Betti cup product

7 votes

The relationship between group cohomology and topological cohomology theories

7 votes

Some basic questions about Chern-Simons theory

7 votes

Alexander polynomial or Reidemeister torsion for knotted surfaces?

7 votes

Intuition on finite homotopy groups

6 votes

Computing H_2 from pi_1=Z and pi_2

6 votes

Intersection form in twisted homology (homology with local coefficients)

6 votes

When do two holonomy maps determine flat bundles that are isomorphic as just bundles (w/o regard to the flat connections)?

6 votes

How to compute the (co)homology of orbit spaces (when the action is not free)?

6 votes

Representations of \pi_1, G-bundles, Classifying Spaces

6 votes

Generalised linking numbers (where they shouldn't be)

5 votes

slice knots, what does the locally flat condition say?

5 votes

Characteristic classes of a fibered sum

5 votes

PD3 groups and PD4 complexes