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Lev Borisov's user avatar
Lev Borisov
  • Member for 11 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
35 votes

Advice for pure-math Phd students

33 votes

The sum of squared logarithms conjecture

24 votes

Interesting examples of vacuous / void entities

15 votes

Die hard nilpotent spaces

10 votes

Eigenvalues of a matrix with entries involving combinatorics

9 votes

Basic question about polytope duals

8 votes

A sum over partitions involving "subpartitions"

7 votes

Proof for a rank-one decomposition theorem of positive (semi) definite matrices

7 votes

Resolving nodes of a quintic CY 3-fold

7 votes

The sequence $a_{n+1}=\left\lceil \frac{-1+\sqrt{5}}{2}a_{n}-a_{n-1} \right\rceil$ is periodic

7 votes

Can one prove that toric varieties are Cohen-Macaulay by finding a regular sequence?

6 votes

Line-preserving bijection of ${\mathbb{R}}^n$ onto itself

6 votes

Estimates on the number of vertices of reflexive polytopes

6 votes

binomial/factorial identity mod p

5 votes

Analytic continuation of the double sum $\sum_{n,m\ge0}x^ny^mt^{nm}$

5 votes

Is there a critical point of a polynomial $f$ within every disc having as diameter the line segment between two zeros of $f$?

5 votes

Crepant resolutions of toric varieties

5 votes

Finite Quotients and Resolutions of Singularities

5 votes

Assessing effectiveness of (epsilon, delta) definitions

5 votes

On the Grassmannian Gr(2,5) and spheres

4 votes

Number of solutions of linear homogenous Diophantine equation inside a box

4 votes

Dimension of a homogeneous polynomial system

4 votes

Minimal area of non-planar lattice curves

4 votes

which varieties can appear as exceptional divisors?

4 votes

Is there a Riemann-Roch like result for meromorphic differentials with all periods vanishing?

4 votes

Global section of tensor product

4 votes

Is there a canonical map from the cohomology of orbifold chiral de Rham on an orbifold to the cohomology of chiral de Rham on a crepant resolution?

4 votes

Macaulay's example of prime ideals in $\mathbb C[X_1,X_2,X_3]$ having large number of generators

3 votes

Where to find (personal) motivation

3 votes

Show that the Minkowski sum of two triangles in 3D is the union of Minkowski sums of each triangle along the other's edges?