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Lev Borisov
  • Member for 11 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
A question on decreasing function
You may well consider the dependence on $s$ of the solutions to $\sum a_kx^k+s=0$. Assuming you have an isolated positive root, its location will be a differentiable function of $s$ in a small neighborhood. You will be able to see the sign of its derivative from the usual chain rule. Then it's just a matter of precomposing with $f(t)$.
Number of facets of a polyhedron when a vertex is removed
The OP assigns a rather nonstandard meaning to "chopping off a vertex".
Number of facets of a polyhedron when a vertex is removed
Take a cone over a complicated polytope in $\mathbb R^{n-1}$, i.e. a convex hull of some points of the form $(w_i,0)$ and $({\bf 0},1)$. Then wiggle the points $(w_i,0)$ to $(w_i,\epsilon_i)$. When you remove the vertex $({\bf 0},1)$, the new number of facets is equal to the number of simplices in a regular triangulation of $conv(\{w_i\})$. I think that this could be significantly larger than the number of facets of $conv(\{w_i\})$.
Number of facets of a polyhedron when a vertex is removed
It is very easy to imagine a situation where removal of a vertex results in a significantly more complicated polytope. By the way, I would not call this "chopping off a vertex". That term I would reserve to adding additional inequality that would remove a little piece of the polytope next to a vertex (and give one more face).
Analytic continuation of the double sum $\sum_{n,m\ge0}x^ny^mt^{nm}$
You seem to be missing the inequalities $m,n\geq 0$. This will lead to weird inequalities for $m+n,m-n$, and I don't see how you would get products.
Analytic continuation of the double sum $\sum_{n,m\ge0}x^ny^mt^{nm}$
It is possible that your sum would lead to something along the lines of mock theta functions, but it is out of my expertise area.
Analytic continuation of the double sum $\sum_{n,m\ge0}x^ny^mt^{nm}$
I am not sure if this is exactly what you need though.
Analytic continuation of the double sum $\sum_{n,m\ge0}x^ny^mt^{nm}$
I think that if you instead consider the sum for $n\in \mathbb Z$, then you get an easy to write elliptic function. But I am not sure what to do with $n\geq 0$.
The sequence $a_{n+1}=\left\lceil \frac{-1+\sqrt{5}}{2}a_{n}-a_{n-1} \right\rceil$ is periodic
I tried the $7$ instead of $5$. For initial values in $[1,100]^2$ there is periodicity.
The sequence $a_{n+1}=\left\lceil \frac{-1+\sqrt{5}}{2}a_{n}-a_{n-1} \right\rceil$ is periodic
Certainly, if the result is already known, then it is not worth sweating out the details. I do wonder what happens if one replaces $w$ by nearby numbers. For example, what happens if you do $2\cos(2\pi/7)$ as opposed to $2\cos(2\pi/5)$? What happens if you take a rational number nearby? Can you assure that there is a transcendental number near $w$ such that there is a recursive sequence like this that goes to infinity? What happens for higher order "almost linear" recursions with characteristic roots of length one? This must have been studied, but so far nobody gave a reference.
The sequence $a_{n+1}=\left\lceil \frac{-1+\sqrt{5}}{2}a_{n}-a_{n-1} \right\rceil$ is periodic
Can you be more explicit about how you prove your assertions. I am guessing that this is right, but I don't quite follow the argument.
The sequence $a_{n+1}=\left\lceil \frac{-1+\sqrt{5}}{2}a_{n}-a_{n-1} \right\rceil$ is periodic
Yeah, it feels like one would need to find some "walls" that can not be crossed. I wonder if one can think of some congruences in the ring $\mathbb Z[x]/\langle x^2+x-1\rangle$ to allow for a better control after five iterations.
Homeomorphism between (-1,1)×[-1,1) and [-1,1]×[-1,1)
We are not passing judgement on you, just on your question. If you have actual research questions in the future, this may well be the site for them.
Homeomorphism between (-1,1)×[-1,1) and [-1,1]×[-1,1)
This does not look research level to me.
The sequence $a_{n+1}=\left\lceil \frac{-1+\sqrt{5}}{2}a_{n}-a_{n-1} \right\rceil$ is periodic
An obvious remark is that one should show that the sequence is bounded. This would imply periodicity without any specific information about the period.
Invariant ring of $S_5$
Molien series (dimensions of graded pieces) is of course easily computed, but the structure of the ring can be harder to get.
What is Koszul dual of a curve?
Of course. There is still a concept of Koszul dual, though.
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