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Lev Borisov
  • Member for 11 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
Advice for pure-math Phd students
I always liked programming, even though I was far from an expert. So this was my plan B, but never had to actually implement it. Teaching at a liberal arts college is a good option for someone who likes teaching and is good at it. Wall Street is an option for some. It really depends on what your strengths and interests are.
4-th order diophantine equation
@joro You mean apart from the silly stuff like $a=kc,b=kd$?
Adapting arguments and plagiarism
There is some value in checking that a given argument extends to a slightly more general setting. You can not expect it to be published in a particularly good journal, but your first paragraph makes it sound like the research is legitimate. You can always show it around to experts in the field to see if they view it "too obvious to publish".
Symmetric tensors as sum of powers
There is definitely more than one way of writing such expressions, even for $k=2$. Do you want an expression with some specific properties?
What does this proof of Fermat's little theorem mean for Euler's theorem?
At the very least, you would have to have a version of Euler's theorem for all $a$ rather than the ones coprime to $n$. If you can formulate it, then it is conceivable that some inductive argument would also work.
Conjecture on matrix with reciprocal principal minors
Where does this condition come from? It looks decidedly unusual to me.
A third degree surface and a touching sphere
Correct. The discriminant is $(x-y)^2(y-z)^2(x-z)^2$, so if the roots are real, then it is nonnegative.
A chain of six circles associated with a conic
Have you tried solving it by brute force calculation? You can parameterize the conic, pick $A_1,A_2,A_3,A_4,A_5,A_6,B_1$ for generic values of parameters, and proceed to calculate $B_2,...,B_6$, as well as $O_1,...,O_6$. It might be beyond the usual software's capabilities, but it might not be.
A third degree surface and a touching sphere
The most elegant solution is to write "This is an easy exercise which we leave to the reader."
A third degree surface and a touching sphere
It is easy to see by convexity of sorts that there are no other solutions near $(1,1,1)$. Specifically, let $x=e^a$, $y=e^b$, $z=e^c$. Then you have to solve $e^{2a}-3e^{a} + .... = -6$ for $a+b+c=0$. By Jensen's you will not have nontrivial solutions in the region where $f(t)=e^{2t}-3e^t$ is convex.
A third degree surface and a touching sphere
You can do Lagrange multiplers for $xyz$ on the sphere. This will give you three equations like $xy=(2z-3)\lambda$ and so on. By subtracting one of such equation from the other you get $x=z$ or $y=-2\lambda$. Either way you get linear relations on $x,y,z$ and it should be easy to solve. Then you will get $xyz\geq 1$ with minimum at $(1,1,1)$.
A third degree surface and a touching sphere
You can try to take log coords $x=e^a,y=e^b,z=e^c$ and then see if the inequality $(e^a-3/2)^2+(e^b-3/2)^2+(e^c-3/2)^2\leq 3/4$ gives a convex shape. But I think that my approach with the discriminant is short, if not "nice".
A third degree surface and a touching sphere
Certainly, computer gives accurate enough coordinates of four roots to know that they are complex. If that's not enough for you, try to write it as opposite of sum of squares of quadratic polynomials.
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