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Lev Borisov
  • Member for 11 years, 4 months
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Question about polynomials over finite fields
Never mind, I completely misunderstood the question. Thank you!
Question about polynomials over finite fields
What's wrong with taking $A$ and $B$ to be sets of nonzero multiples of some specific but rather general polynomials $f$ and $g$? These should be of size $|\mathbb F|-1$, and the restrictions to any line would be of the same size?
Translates of a fixed point set (of stable points) by a reductive group
@Elliot I am not an expert -- maybe it could be singular.
Translates of a fixed point set (of stable points) by a reductive group
I suggest looking at how the tangent subspaces $Lie(G)x$ and $T(x,X^R)$ intersect as $x$ varies in $X^R$. I would want to look at examples where the dimension of the intersection jumps at some $x$
Translates of a fixed point set (of stable points) by a reductive group
Have you tried some examples -- maybe ${\rm PGL}(2,\mathbb C)$ acting on $n$ distinct points on $\mathbb P^1$ for some large $n$?
Pfaffian minors of skew symmetric matrix under perturbation
You can probably make $D$ with positive minors by having $D_{ij}$ grow extremely fast in the lexicographic order so that one of the terms in each Pfaffian dominates the rest of the terms.
Pfaffian minors of skew symmetric matrix under perturbation
If you have $A' = A + t D$, then Pfaffians of $A'$ will have as their leading terms as $t\to \infty$ the Pfaffians of $D$ times the appropriate power of $t$. So positivity for $A'$ follows from that of $D$.
Pfaffian minors of skew symmetric matrix under perturbation
I suppose that existence could be proved by induction on $n$; there might also be some explicit construction(s).
Pfaffian minors of skew symmetric matrix under perturbation
So by scaling $D= A'-A$ by a large integer, the problem reduces to finding a skew-symmetric matrix with positive integer entries above the diagonal such that all Pfaffians are positive. In fact, one can ignore the integrality and allow for arbitrary nonnegative entries (which can then be approximated by rationals and zeroes replaced by small rationals).
Eigenvalues of a matrix with entries involving combinatorics
@Alexey Ustinov I presume that this means that there are formulas for the eigenvectors that involve sums of $1/k$. The LCM in A025529 must be an artifact of trying to get integer values for the eigenvectors.
Eigenvalues of a matrix with entries involving combinatorics
I suppose you are not surprised that the proof is related to Adams operations as well :)
Why is a Kummer surface simply-connected?
You need to resolve the singularities of the quotient to get the K3 surface.
Looking for modern reference for asymptotic of Barnes integral
Great, thank you! I have not looked at these.
Looking for modern reference for asymptotic of Barnes integral
Thank you, I will take a look at it. I saw that reference in Luke's book. Was under the impression that the idea was to approximate $\Gamma(s)^N$ by $\Gamma(Ns-i)$, will look in more detail.
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