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kakaz's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
99 votes

What notions are used but not clearly defined in modern mathematics?

30 votes

What is your favorite "strange" function?

28 votes

Which popular games are the most mathematical?

23 votes

A single paper everyone should read?

15 votes

Mathematics as a hobby

10 votes

Famous mathematical quotes

6 votes

Proof assistants for mathematics

6 votes

Examples of mathematics motivated by technological considerations

5 votes

Fourier vs Laplace transforms

5 votes

Examples of mathematics motivated by technological considerations

4 votes

Your favorite surprising connections in mathematics

4 votes

Mathematically interesting screensavers

3 votes

Is there a mathematical axiomatization of time (other than, perhaps, entropy)?

3 votes

Examples of great mathematical writing

3 votes

Examples of mathematics motivated by technological considerations

3 votes

Path integrals outside QFT

2 votes

Algorithm generalizing continued fractions for non-quadratic algebraic numbers

2 votes

Proof formalization

2 votes

Cocktail party math

2 votes

Integrable dynamical system - relation to elliptic curves

2 votes

Good programs for drawing (weighted directed) graphs

2 votes

Do you believe P=NP?

1 vote

What is a continuous path?

1 vote

Deduction theorem

1 vote

Standard model of particle physics for mathematicians

1 vote

Graphs with fractal properties?

1 vote

Undergraduate Level Math Books

1 vote

What methods exist to prove that a finitely presented group is finite?

1 vote

Models of ZFC Set Theory - Getting Started

1 vote

Alive dynamical system