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Fan Zheng
  • Member for 11 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • NJ
28 votes

Is $\Bbb S^2 \times \Bbb S^4$ symplectic?

15 votes

Is it true that for each bounded continuous function we can find a set of analytic functions to uniformly converge it?

14 votes

Can the topological algebra of analytic functions be endowed with a norm that defines the natural topology?

11 votes

A geometric proof of Krull's Principal ideal theorem

8 votes

Is there a non discrete norm on $\mathbb{Z}$ (the group of integers) which is unbounded?

7 votes

Primes as uncorrelated random variables

6 votes

Intuition behind using energy estimate to prove existence and uniqueness of solution for Hyperbolic equation

6 votes

Could Furstenberg's Argument Prove the Infinitude of Primes in Number Fields?

5 votes

Taking away the "almost sure"

5 votes

Localization and containment in commutative ring

5 votes

Fourier coefficients of real analytic functions on an n-dimension torus

5 votes

Intermediate value for a vector-valued function

5 votes

Existence of a uniformly continuous function $g$ on $\mathbb{R}$ where $f = g$ a.e.?

5 votes

Distance function is unique nonnegative continuous function on $\mathbb{R}^d$ satisfying following

5 votes

Integer-valued power sums

4 votes

Least simultaneous quadratic non-residue

4 votes

Lemma 2.11 of Tao's Nonlinear Dispersive Equations

4 votes

Counting solutions of a certain diophantine equation

4 votes

How to show $a\mapsto \frac{\gamma(a,x)}{\Gamma(a)}$ is decreasing on $\mathbb{R}_+^*$?

4 votes

Fourier transform inversion theorem for a function not in L1 or L2

3 votes

Are there closed form solutions available for this equation below?

3 votes

A few general questions about pre-sheaves and sheaves

3 votes

$L^2$ function in Schwartz space?

3 votes

Does the induced representation preserve norm?

2 votes

Solution to inhomogenous PDE

2 votes

Elliptic theory on compact manifolds

2 votes

A continuity/bootstrap argument

2 votes

Construction of vector space isomorphism where $f(v \otimes gh) = \sigma(g)(f(v \otimes h)),\text{ }\forall v \in V,\text{ }g,\,h \in G$

2 votes

Is the interval topology of $(\mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N}, \leq^*)$ connected?

2 votes

Show that the Laplacian operator on the Heisenberg group is negative