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Pavel Etingof's user avatar
Pavel Etingof
  • Member for 14 years, 10 months
114 votes

How Much Work Does it Take to be a Successful Mathematician?

32 votes

Cool problems to impress students with group theory

23 votes

How do you switch between representations of an algebraic group and its Lie algebra?

23 votes

Does any tensor category correspond to a bialgebra?

22 votes

Deformation theory of representations of an algebraic group

22 votes

What does "quantization is not a functor" really mean?

19 votes

What is a deformation of a category?

19 votes

Jack polynomials as determinants

19 votes

What is a deformation of a category?

17 votes

What is the relation between quantum symmetry and quantum groups?

15 votes

About state-field correspondence

14 votes

Calculating 6j-symbols (aka Racah-Wigner coefficients) for quantum groups

13 votes

Free action of SL_2(F_p) on a sphere

12 votes

Can the Quantum Torus be realized as a Hall Algebra?

11 votes

Is the matrix ring $\mathrm{Mat}_n(\mathbb{C})$ "algebraically closed"?

9 votes

Cohomology of Lie groups and Lie algebras

9 votes

On a positivity of a matrix with trace entries.

8 votes

Is there a canonical Hopf structure on the center of a universal enveloping algebra?

7 votes

Taking roots in simple linear algebraic groups

7 votes

Comparing two similar procedures for quantizing a Casimir Lie algebra

7 votes

Faithful characters of finite groups

7 votes

Simultaneous convergence of powers of unit complex numbers

7 votes

Questions about Quivers

7 votes

Is an algebraic bijection from a projective variety to itself necessarily an isomorphism?

6 votes

Solutions of the Quantum Yang-Baxter Equation

6 votes

Are there interesting monoidal structures on representations of quantum affine algebras?

6 votes

Kontsevich, and Geometric, Quantization and the Podles sphere

6 votes

Indexing the Line Bundles of a Flag Manifold

5 votes

Principal Bundles over Complex Projective Varieties

5 votes

Zeros of the Weierstrass $\wp$-function