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Ali Taghavi
  • Member for 11 years, 5 months
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Topological spaces in which countable intersections of dense open sets have dense interior
Motivation: Let two algebra $A,C$ satisfy the property P and we have a short exact sequence $0\to A\to B\to C\to 0$ does it implies that B satisfies P too?
Topological spaces in which countable intersections of dense open sets have dense interior
@Gro-Tsen let X be a topological space $X=G \sqcup F$ $G$ open $F$ closed such that both $G, F$ satisfy super Baire. Does this imply that $X$ is a super Baire
Topological spaces in which countable intersections of dense open sets have dense interior
@DavidGao One another points with classical formulation but motivation from extension theory in algebra:
Topological spaces in which countable intersections of dense open sets have dense interior
@DavidGao So contrary to your opinion I think the commutative Banach algebraic setting is interesting
Topological spaces in which countable intersections of dense open sets have dense interior
@DavidGao from the view of dimension theory one may think of possible low dimensional examples of Banach algebra with desired property. I mean dimension in terms of tsr and real rank(M. Riefell's work)
Topological spaces in which countable intersections of dense open sets have dense interior
@Gro-Tsen What can be said about the topological dimension of spaces you examined(The space with super Baire property)?Are there plenty of low dimensional cases?
Topological spaces in which countable intersections of dense open sets have dense interior
. So a possible remedy is consideration of commutative Banach algebras
Topological spaces in which countable intersections of dense open sets have dense interior
@DavidGao Regarding commutative Banach algebra I would suggest the following point: let A and B be two Banach algebras with super Baire property(In terms of essential ideal intersection). Is it true to say that every kind of tensor product $A\otimes B$ is a super baire algebra? This is inspired by that fact that the product of two compact baire space is again a baire space. On the other hand we pose this question in commutative C^* algebras we have an obvious "Yes" but if we drope the commutativity we have diffoculty with two sided ideals...
Topological spaces in which countable intersections of dense open sets have dense interior
@DavidGao One may keep commutativity but drop the involution $*$ . That is "Banach algebras"
Topological spaces in which countable intersections of dense open sets have dense interior
@DavidGao Since a manifold do not satisfy the super Baire property so it would be interesting to examin an appropriate NC analogy of the super Baire in an spectral triple
Topological spaces in which countable intersections of dense open sets have dense interior
@Gro-Tsen May I ask you to add some tags as NCG or operator algebras or functional analysis. This is apparently unrealated to your question but in reality it is related to the subject
Topological spaces in which countable intersections of dense open sets have dense interior
@YemonChoi "All you have done is a reformulated..." Ok his question is :"Is there a name for this property? So Yemon what is the job of a dictionary translating a name or a word into another language. So I do not see why is not a relevant answer to (the first edition of ) the OP question. Moreover after that I post the answer I found some papers who concern if an intersection of essential ideals is an essential ideal or not. (In case of rings)
Topological spaces in which countable intersections of dense open sets have dense interior
@Gro-Tsen I do not know if it is apeared somewhere or not? But many years ago i was thinking to NC analogy of Baire property but i disappointed since every compact Hausdorf space is already a Baire space . After you posed your question I reallized that the NC analogy is that a countable intersection of Essential ideals must be an essential ideal. Note that in C[0,1] a countable intersection of essential ideals can be the trivial ideal. Obviously [0,1] does not satisfies your property
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