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Scott Carter's user avatar
Scott Carter
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
54 votes

Can infinity shorten proofs a lot?

52 votes

Teaching statements for math jobs?

48 votes

How to write math well?

36 votes

Intuitive crutches for higher dimensional thinking

36 votes

Why study Lie algebras?

29 votes

Plagiarism in the community

27 votes

What precisely Is "Categorification"?

21 votes

How does the work of a pure mathematician impact society?

18 votes

Which mathematical ideas have done most to change history?

17 votes

Taking lecture notes in lectures

16 votes

How to balance writing professionally and being able to have a conversation with your reader?

14 votes

Why do Bernoulli numbers arise everywhere?

13 votes

Griffiths and Harris reference

12 votes

Creating high quality figures of surfaces

12 votes

Does it ever make sense NOT to go to the most prestigious grad school you can get into?

12 votes

Should the formula for the inverse of a 2x2 matrix be obvious?

10 votes

third stable homotopy group of spheres via geometry?

10 votes

What do the stable homotopy groups of spheres say about the combinatorics of finite sets?

10 votes

What is the Implicit Function Theorem good for?

9 votes

Has anyone tabulated 2-knots? Would anyone like to try?

8 votes

How to respond to "I was never much good at maths at school."

8 votes

Higher order quandle

8 votes

What is an immersed submanifold?

8 votes

How seriously should a graduate student take teaching evaluations?

8 votes

Why is a topology made up of 'open' sets? Part II

8 votes

Good ways to engage in mathematics outreach?

8 votes

Explicit embeddings of Cappell-Shaneson knots

8 votes

Surface Eversions: Generalizing from Sphere and Torus Eversions

7 votes

Is every virtual knot group an HNN extension?

7 votes

Intuition on finite homotopy groups